Session Speakers
- Abadi, Miguel (IME - USP, Brasil). Large Deviations for Dependent Sums via Spectral Analysis. Abstract
- Aguiar Gomes, Diogo (KAUST, Saudi Arabia). Price model with common noise. Abstract
- Bagnara, Marco (Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, Italy). No blow-up by nonlinear Itô noise for Euler equations. Abstract
- Bessaih, Hakima (Florida International University, USA). Numerical schemes for various stochastic models in Hydrodynamic. Abstract
- Cipriano, Fernanda (Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, Portugal). A boundary control problem for stochastic 2D-Navier-Stokes equations. Abstract
- Coletti, Cristian (UFABC, Brasil). On the asymptotic behaviour of the elephant random walk. Abstract
- Gallo, Sandro (UFSCar, Brasil). Large deviations for return times. Abstract
- Gava, Renato (UFSCar, Brasil). CLT and almost sure CLT for dependent Bernoulli random variables. Abstract
- Hilário, Marcelo (UFMG, Brasil). Random walks driven by interacting particle systems in one dimension. Abstract
- Luiz, Denis (UFABC, Brasil). A random walk with memory perturbed by a dynamical system. Abstract
- Neklyudov, Mikhail (UFAM, Brasil). Ergodicity of infinite particle systems and applications. Abstract
- Neves, Wladimir (IM - UFRJ, Brasil). Stochastic Transport Equations. Recent results. Abstract
- Correa Lora, Jesus Manuel (IMECC - UNICAMP, Brasil). From stochastic hamiltonian systems to stochastic compressible Euler equation. Abstract
- Rodriguez Marroquin, Daniel (IM - UFRJ, Brasil). Invariant measures for stochastic parabolic-hyperbolic equations in the space of almost periodic functions. Abstract
- M. S. Rosa, Ricardo (IM - UFRJ, Brasil). Improved error estimate for the order of strong convergence of the Euler method for random ordinary differential equations. Abstract
- Rosales, Rafael (USP, Brasil). Interacting vertex reinforced random walks on complete sub-graphs. Abstract
- Ruffino, Paulo (IMECC - UNICAMP, Brasil). Stochastic n-point D-bifurcations of stochastic Lévy flows and their complexity on finite spaces. Abstract
- Shamarova, Evelina (UFPB, Brasil). Smoothness of densities for path-dependent SDEs under Hörmander's condition. Abstract
- Tahraoui, Yassine (Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, Portugal). On the Stochastic Optimal Distributed Control of 3rd Grade Fluids. Abstract
Time Table
monday 17 | thuesday 18 | wednesday 19 | thursday 20 | friday 21 | |
8:30-9:00 | Opening | ||||
9:00-10:00 | Marcelo Viana | Zdzisław Brzeźniak | Danylo Radchenko | Carlos Pérez | Irena Lasiecka |
10:00-10:30 | coffee break | coffee break | coffee break | coffee break | coffee break |
10:30-11:00 | Diogo Gomes | Hakima Bessaih | Hubert Lacoin | Miguel Abadi | PS |
11:05-11:35 | Ricardo Rosa | Wladimir Neves | Hubert Lacoin | Marcelo Hilario | PS |
11:40-12:10 | Mikhail Neklyudov | Daniel Marroquin | photo/Lunch | Sandro Gallo | PS |
12:10-13:00 | lunch | lunch | lunch | lunch | lunch |
13:00-14:00 | lunch | lunch | piano recital | lunch | lunch |
14:00-15:00 | Loukas Grafakos | Anna Mazzucato | Gustavo Ponce | Monica Musso | Marius Mantoiu |
15:00-15:30 | coffee break | coffee break | coffee break | coffee break | closing |
15:30-16:00 | Paulo Ruffino | Jesus Lora | PS | Cristian Coletti | coffee break |
16:05-16:35 | Renato Gava | Evelina Shamarova | PS | Denis Luiz | |
16:40-17:10 | Yassine Tahraoui | Marco Bagnara | PS | Rafael Rosales | |
17:15-17:45 | PS | Fernanda Cipriano | PS | PS | |
20:00 | conference dinner |
PS: paralell session
red background: plenary talk